Live a life full of Rewards.
Experience a world of rewards and unparalleled benefits with BOUNZ Rewards! With the all-in-one mobile app, BOUNZ members can seamlessly collect cashback in BOUNZ that can be used to shop, pay bills, recharge mobile plans and much more!
Download the BOUNZ app and begin your journey to boundless rewards! Let BOUNZ create repeated meaningful experiences for you.
Download the BOUNZ app and begin your journey to boundless rewards! Let BOUNZ create repeated meaningful experiences for you.
Download the loyalty Service app and create an account in seconds, using your mobile number; complete your profile and select your interests.
About the APP
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Stand Out &
Become a Partner
Launched in July 2021, BOUNZ is an independent coalition rewards program in the Middle East, run by a team of experts in the industry with over two decades of experience in managing and operating large scale customer engagement programs. With an engaged community of over 1.2 million members, getting on-board the BOUNZ Rewards program as a partner can help your brand and customers.